His thickness and butt shape reflect his top 1% EMA. Top growth, milk, carcase wt. and a great carcase trait profile make this bull suitable for all markets including the premium grass fed market. Top 5% $Indexes.
LOT 12: ELITE G259 (AI) (P)
A very thick bull with strong, balanced performance across all traits. Hard to match top carcase traits with excellent balance. Top 10% $Indexes.
LOT 13: ELITE D279 G320 (AI) (P)
Slightly younger registered bull with a great balanced peformance profile from calving ease to carcase excellence. Out of our HAL Progeny Test E212's dam and he has a 90% homozygous poll test. Top 5% $Indexes.
LOT 14: ELITE D168 G308 (AI) (P)
Another good looking younger registered bull that tested 90% homozygous poll. He has good calving ease and low birth wt. combined with growth and strong, balanced carcase traits. Top 25% $Indexes.
LOT 15: ELITE X122 G229 (AI) (S)
A registered X122 son with calving ease and light birth wt. combined with good 400 day growth and top 10% milk and EMA with top 5% retail beef yield. Top 20% $Indexes.
LOT 16: ELITE E212 G337 (AI) (P)
Only a November calf but with great looks and growth by the sort after E212. He is registered and has tested 90% homozygous poll. Balanced performance through from light birth wt. to excellent carcase including top 10% EMA and yield. Generates top 5% $Indexes.
Great thickness again in this Revolution son from his top 1% EMA. Low birth wt., good growth and milk complete his commercially valuable performance profile. Top 10% $Indexes.
LOT 18: ELITE X122 G240 (AI) (P)
This registered X122 son has a really good balance of traits from low birth weight through good growth, excellent milk to good carcase with top 5% carcase wt. and yield. Generates top 5% and 10% $Indexes.
LOT 19: ELITE G325 (AI) (S)
A slightly younger E212 son showing great thickness from his top 5% EMA. Very low birth wt. yet good growth and milk with top 5% carcase wt. and yield. Top 5% $Indexes showing his market versitility.
Great balance again from this Revolution son that shows great thickness. He has extremely low birth wt,. yet really good 400 day wt. and the excellent carcase traits of top 5% carcase wt. and EMA. Generates top 10% $Indexes.
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